2008 - 2012
Ph.D student, Institute of Geophysics, National Academy of sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine;
Since 1.03.2013 PhD Degree
PhD Thesis title: The Palaeostress Evolution of North-Western Part of Skyba Nappe Ukrainian Carpathians and Inner Zone of Ukrainian Carpathians Foredeep in Connection With Search Prediction of Hydrocarbon Deposits
2003 - 2008
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine, Faculty of Geology
Bachelor's and Master's degrees
Master's thesis title: Mesostructural analysis of the flysch sequence in Skyba nappe, Sukil river valley(norh-western part of Skyba nappe)
1992 - 2003
Secondary school №2, Pustomyty, Lviv Region, Ukraine